Image credit: RAJ RANA on Unsplash.
Chances are you’ve supported a small business this year. Whether that’s through takeout once a week, your trip to the dentist or a drink at a local café, your support goes a long way in keeping small and medium-sized businesses afloat.
These businesses employ almost 70 per cent of the private sector. They are absolutely key to our economy, and local support is only part of what will keep them going. That’s why the Canadian government is providing support for small and medium-sized enterprises; it’s an important way to boost the economy.
Sometimes this government support can be hard to sort through and figure out. But there’s a simple tool that small and medium-sized businesses can use to sort through all the information and find the resources and assistance they need.
The Canada Business app 2.0 provides easy access to government services and programs such as the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy and other COVID-19 supports. This winter there were over 100 support programs to consider. While that might sound hard to manage, you can easily search and filter options on the app to show what’s relevant based on your location or other keywords.
There’s also a chat bot to help you get tailored recommendations, and the option to set up personalized notifications if there are changes to the information you rely on.
And it’s not all about COVID; the app can also support your efforts to pivot your business, scale up and access new markets. You can explore these options right from your phone on the go, or send the link to your desktop.
Small businesses have faced immense challenges this past year. This app is a tool to help reduce the administrative and emotional burdens they face – and that helps the economy.
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