Deciduous (leaf-shedding) trees provide shade from the summer sun to cut down on heat gain, and lose their leaves in winter to let sunlight enter your home. Image credit: BENJAMIN CHENG on Unsplash.
Spring is the optimal time to plant trees, but did you know that planting the right tree in the right place can help you save energy? Here are some helpful tips from Hydro One:
1. Deciduous (leaf-shedding) trees provide shade from the summer sun to cut down on heat gain, and lose their leaves in winter to let sunlight enter your home. Plant them to the south and the southwest around your home’s windows to provide shade from late afternoon and evening sun.
2. A good windbreak includes a mixture of coniferous trees, deciduous shrubs, evergreen shrubs and perennial plants. Planted tightly together, it can shield your home from cold winter gusts. Even a single row of white pine trees can reduce the speed of wind hitting your home by 60 per cent.
3. Low-growing evergreen shrubs planted beside basement walls add insulation to your home’s exterior by keeping warmth in. Plant at least 60 centimetres away from foundation walls.
4. Plant tall-growing trees at least eight metres away from distribution power lines. Tree contact with power lines accounts for about 30 per cent of power outages in Ontario. Only plant on your property and avoid planting trees on transmission corridors.
5. Call before you dig to locate underground lines. More info at