Image credit: ANNA SHVETS from Pexels.
I must confess I’m not keen on wearing face masks. There are a number of reasons. One is practical.
I had someone make me a face mask out of fabric. When I put it on, the elastic kept pulling off my ears. I came to the conclusion that this kind was not going to work for me.
When wearing face masks became mandatory, I decided I would go into my wife’s dresser (with her permission) and wear one of her scarves, the most ‘manly’ one I could find. It was long enough that I could wrap it around my face and tie a simply shoe lace knot. It worked well, but it was very hot to wear inside buildings.
I was then talking with my son and he suggested a bandana covering. I bought two online called cylinder-like bandana coverings. Fishermen also wear them apparently. It’s a cloth you pull over your head, settle around your neck and pull up over your mouth and nose as you need it.
Six months ago if you told me I was going to write about this, I wouldn’t have believed it. I now find myself as many others adjusting to a new situation. People look different now. I miss seeing the smiles, the frowns, and the expressions on peoples’ faces.
It is said that wearing the coverings will retard the spread of the virus. That may be so. There are many conflicting opinions about this, however, even from experts. But this is the reasoning that is given. Time will tell.
But there is a lesson I can share from the use of face coverings. I use the word ‘covering’ instead of ‘mask’ not only because it sounds friendlier but also because it’s better suited to the lesson I want to convey.
We need a covering for a much more deadly virus; that is, the ‘sin’ virus. It brings death; that is, eternal death. It has spread to all mankind and it has since the time our first parents disobeyed God. The covering we need is the one God provides. This covering is far more urgent.
He provides that in Christ Jesus who gave His life on the cross as a covering for the sin of all those who believe in Him. He took upon Himself the punishment for my sin virus so that I may live forever. Jesus says, “He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.”
Reverend Tony Zekveld.
• Reverend Tony Zekveld can be reached at 416-740-0543, via https://www.hope-centre.ca/ and tzekveld@primus.ca.