Now you can borrow a telescope at Brampton Library. Image credit: MOOSE PHOTOS on Unsplash.
Brampton Library is excited to announce borrowable telescopes! Available now, this refractor telescope is perfect for terrestrial and celestial viewing by explorers of all ages. Use it to view the planets, moon, star clusters, and brighter deep sky objects like the Orion Nebula and Andromeda Galaxy.
To borrow a telescope with your free Brampton Library card, visit your favourite Brampton Library branch or place a hold for pick up, through the library’s catalog or mobile app. If you don’t already have a library card, click here. Telescopes can be borrowed for up to seven days, and renewed if no one is on the waiting list.
In addition to telescopes, the Library of Things collection offers members the opportunity to borrow items that they may not otherwise have access to at no cost.
The collection includes:
Technology: GoPro cameras and LaunchPads
Health and Fitness: Seasonal activity Kits, Ontario parks pass and TRCA-CVC passes
Educational Activities: Flashcards, Memory Care kits, and STEM at-home packs
Games and recreational activities: Board games, PAMA pass and Seed Library
Supporting the varied interests and needs within our community, our Library of Things collection offers opportunities for personal growth, education, and entertainment.