Image credit: ARTURO REY on Unsplash.
Some lives are being lost from COVID-19 and with COVID-19. Tragically so.
But how many more lives are being lost and severely affected through the shutdowns, isolation and the economic impact? As one friend and colleague writes, “the number of suicides... the number of depressed... the number of marriage breakups... the number of physical abuse cases... the number of drug overdoses... the number of unemployed... yes, the numbers are troubling.”
Are we listening? We might ask, “Where are the other experts – besides medical experts – who should be advising?”
I don’t believe it is wrong to raise this question. Perhaps there are ongoing assumptions that we need to question and evaluate.
All of us evaluate life with certain questions. These are questions we usually don’t ask because we assume the answers. These have to do with our view of life and the world. Everyone has a certain view of life and the world.
I recently attended a colloquium and we were asked to consider basic worldview questions in our discussion groups: Who are we (what is a human being)? Where are we (what is this world)? What is wrong (why suffering and evil in this world)? What is the remedy? What time is it (where are we in the story of the world)? What happens at the end?
Take a moment and try answering these questions. How we answer these questions helps us to understand how we view reality; our view of life and the world. Everyone lives and works out of a certain view of the world.
In light of God’s Word, the Bible, the answers to these questions are simple and become clear. Briefly then, God created the world and man in His image to reflect His glory. Then, we all failed and disobeyed. This is what went wrong. This is why all the suffering and evil. Yet, God in His great love, promises a remedy for man in Jesus Christ. To all who believe In Christ, God gives new life and there is the promise of a new creation when Christ returns in His glory!
Believers in Christ confess, “We belong to Him, both body and soul, in life and in death.” This has profound impact on how we live during this current pandemic.
You may feel free to talk: 416-740-0543.
Reverend Tony Zekveld can be reached at 416-740-0543 and tzekveld@primus.ca..