Natasha Nazerali, centre, found ways to connect during the pandemic through dance.
Name: Natasha Nazerali. There are many different origins and meanings to my name but the one that I resonate most with is Strong.
Currently: My Bollywood dance troupe Sari Not Sorry recently competed on a brand new dance competition series Floored with host Liza Koshy. The series is available on the streaming platform Quibi. My group was the only Indian and cultural dance team to have the opportunity to compete on the show and – I'm so happy to announce – we came out on top and won! Alongside this, I have also been working on some virtual events for young aspiring dancers to participate in during this pandemic. The event Social Disdancing allows dancers to submit footage of their favourite dance routines and receive a personalized adjudication to provide them with helpful tools and enhance their skill sets. The best part is a portion of the proceeds will also be going toward organizations making a difference during the pandemic.
Favourite colour: Pink!
Favourite designer: I am absolutely loving the unique and cutting edge designs of Papa Don’t Preach by Shubhika.
Favourite Bollywood star: Irrfan Khan. An inspirational Bollywood legend taken far too soon.
Favourite Hollywood star: Jennifer Lopez.
Favourite movie: The Princess Bride. It’s a timeless classic.
Favourite singer: Lady Gaga! I love her versatility and her powerful message.
Favourite song: Sunday Best by Surfaces. It’s my happy tune that puts a smile on my face in this quarantine!
Favourite TV show: Never Have I Ever. Mindy Kaling’s new show on Netflix is a must watch!
Favourite ice-cream flavour: Chocolate!
Favourite cuisine: It’s always changing, but I’m vegetarian and my current go-to in the quarantine is a creamy Vegan Ramen.
Favourite restaurant: My Mom’s kitchen! She’s an amazing cook and is better than any restaurant.
Favourite sport: Alpine skiing.
Favourite sportsperson: Simone Biles, an incomparable female athlete and Olympian.
Favourite book: Untamed by Glennon Doyle.
Favourite activity: I’ve been getting really into puzzles during the pandemic.
I hang out: In my living room! My main hangout now because of COVID-19.
I’m freaked out by: The fact that live performances have been put on hold for the foreseeable future.
I need: Positive mantras. They keep me conscious and purposeful.
I want to be: Unapologetic.
My role models: Fearless women who are making an impact in the world despite the adversity they have had to overcome. I’m constantly inspired by female pioneers who are forging their own path and paving the way for women in future generations.
Tips to save the planet: Honesty. Be honest with yourself and the way in which your individual choices are leaving a footprint on our Earth. Strive to improve and do better in areas that you have control over and vote thoughtfully to make a positive impact in areas that you don’t.
Life in a COVID-19 world is: Compassionate. Everybody could use extra compassion right now. How can you lend a helping hand? Or perhaps just letting others know you’re thinking of them and here for them at this time. Maybe you know someone who has lost a loved one in this pandemic, reach out and offer some assistance. We’re all globally impacted by the current situation so always have compassion.
In a perfect world: We would all be in our gift, following our individual passions and aspirations. Having a global society made up of people who have found purpose and meaning would be my idea of a “perfect world” although I don’t personally believe in the concept of “perfection”.
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