Image credit: RODANE PROUCTIONS on Pexels.
Too often, in our society, we think that through generous amounts of money, further training and education we can address our problems, and overcome them. Recently, we heard the tragic headline splashed over the news of a twenty-year old mowing down a family of five, killing four, with his newly bought pick-up truck. There are no words to describe this horrific hate-motivated crime. Indeed, hate is the root of all murder.
So how do we deal with hate? There is plenty of hate in our society. Where is the help to curb heinous acts of hatred and overcome it? Our dignitaries promise more and more money, more education to overcome the problem. Yet, can more money and more education remove hatred which is deeply lodged in the human heart?
At times, we make assumptions which we assume to be true but should be questioned. One of those assumptions is that the human heart is not inclined to hate God and neighbour. We should stop and consider that we are born with corrupt, rebellious hearts. One of the first words to come out of child’s mouth is the rebellious ‘no!’
Can money or education solve this problem at its deepest root? The Bible says, “Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help”. Throwing money or more education at a systemic problem produces false hope. These cannot help, that is, overcome the problem in the human heart. We should not put out trust in dignitaries. They are people like us. The Bible says, “His breath departs, he returns to the earth, in that very day his plans perish”.
We need Someone bigger, stronger, more powerful but also more loving and gracious. We need One who can truly help us and give true hope. This is God who came into our broken, corrupt world in the Person of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He came to reverse the curse and bring blessing to all who trust in Him. He took the punishment for sin through His death on the cross and overcame hatred (and all sin and death) by rising to life on the third day.
The Bible says, “Happy is he who has God... for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God.”
He truly helps. He overcomes for all who trust in Him. He gives true hope.
If you want to know more, feel free to contact the Hope Centre: 416-740-0543.
Reverend Tony Zekveld can be reached at 416-740-0543 and tzekveld@primus.ca. If you would like to learn more about Hope Academy, feel free to visit www.hope-academy.ca.