Image credit: SVEN MIEKE on Unsplah.
Research has found that COVID-19 can lead to cognitive challenges for people, both as a consequence of contracting the virus and from the increased stress many have experienced during the pandemic.
These cognitive challenges can affect anyone, but are more substantial for older adults.
The Ontario government is investing over $432,000 in Baycrest through the Ontario Together Fund to help people struggling with cognitive impairment as a result of COVID-19.
Details were provided by Vic Fedeli, Ontario minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade.
“Made-in-Ontario healthcare innovations, like this pioneering project at Baycrest, are helping to improve lives, while increasing our life sciences competitiveness at home,” he said. “Now more than ever, as families and communities confront the immense challenges of COVID-19, anything we can do to assist our medical professionals in their vital work is a priority for our government.”
Baycrest, a global leader in geriatric residential living, healthcare, research, innovation and education with a special focus on brain health and ageing, is expanding and refining its Goal Management Training (GMT) resources so that therapists across the province can apply this specialized approach in helping their patients improve cognitive functioning. GMT is an evidence-based cognitive rehabilitation program designed to help individuals with impairments in executive functioning to improve their planning and ability to achieve goals. This support from the Ontario Together Fund will help Baycrest train 500 therapists to provide post-acute care and rehabilitation to as many as 5,000 Ontarians living with COVID-19-based cognitive impairment. The expansion of the program will create 17 new jobs.
“Good cognitive functioning is necessary to effectively manage everyday tasks, whether on the job or at home,” said Dr. Brian Levine, the primary developer of GMT and a senior scientist at Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute. “COVID-19 can have damaging longer-term effects on our brains, resulting in symptoms such as lack of concentration and memory problems. With the support of the Ontario Together Fund, we have enhanced access to our evidence-based cognitive intervention, GMT, to make it available for use in clinics, hospitals and the community through the development of new, easy-to-access online resources. With access to this highly effective treatment along with other supports, we can help those suffering with the longer-term effects of COVID-19 recover and return to their normal lives faster.”
Goal Management Training was pioneered at Baycrest, which is a global hub for GMT’s ongoing development, research and dissemination.
“Without a doubt, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented us with new and more complex mental health challenges than we have seen in previous years,” said Michael Tibollo, associate minister of Mental Health and Addictions. “It is critical that we continue prioritizing investments to address the long-term impacts of COVID-19. This funding will see that the necessary resources are in place to fully support the many Ontarians facing COVID-19-based cognitive impairments. This is another important step we are taking to ensure Ontarians have access to the high-quality care they expect and deserve.”
Key features of the project include:
Virtual training on a newly developed training platform, plus a live training workshop to equip therapists with the knowledge and resources required for running GMT through telemedicine.
A new website to serve as a central hub for therapists, which includes user outreach membership onboarding, GMT training, resource hosting, access and community engagement.
Online patient-focused resources, including interactive complex tasks and activities, as well as a digital GMT workbook. Parallel resources will be available in hard copy, recognizing that comfort with and access to computers may vary.
“This support helps advance research underway at Baycrest to help older adults live their best possible lives – during the pandemic and far beyond,” said Dr. William Reichman, President and CEO, Baycrest.
“This is a critical investment to make at a time when we continue to learn more about the long-term health effects of COVID-19,” said MPP Robin Martin.