“I watched the colony of nests under the deck’s overhang grow…Maybe the spot drew newcomers as word of prime real estate spread?”

We had a good run where the weather is concerned – while it lasted. Some parts of Canada were walloped with 40 to 50 centimetres of snow, but for the most part, the rest of us were let off relatively easy. Until we were hit, too. All in all, a “good old-fashioned winter” as The Old Farmer’s Almanac had predicted.

And so here we are, on the cusp of spring, and heading into a cold end to the season. The geese, however, haven’t received that memo and are returning in large numbers. This morning, there were a few floating around in the frigid waters of a pond and several others sitting happily in the frozen part. I know they use goose down in winter jackets but how warm could the birds be on a day with a windchill that felt like minus 22?

But as I write this, I am aware that it is sheer arrogance that has us thinking birds are not as intelligent as they might be.

Bird-brain, tell that to the birds... expressions like these imply that only vastly gullible birds would believe some improbable story. But nature has a way of showing us up every once in a while.

On a cold yet-to-be Spring morning last year, I was awakened by bird song. The sun was out and the birds knew it was time to get busy. A flock of cardinals flew past in a flash of red.

I watched the colony of nests under the deck’s overhang grow. Yes, nests. It used to be one every year. We eagerly waited for the couple (we wondered if it was the same one) to return and get to work. Last year, there were nine. And amazingly, a mixed colony. Robins, pigeons, and a blue jay, all hanging out together.

Not all nests were at the same level of completion or readiness. Maybe the spot drew newcomers as word of prime real estate spread?

They were also a fascinating study in creature comfort, of what each bird finds comfortable! Some were neat, each twig or strand tucked in perfectly. Others were untidy. But there was a stash of pretty blue thread somewhere that they’ve got a hold of – I saw it in more than one nest. So they share resources, too!

The old Hindi song Do panchhi, do tinke, kaho le ke chale hain kahan, yeh banaenge ek aashiyaan came to mind as I watched the birds flying in and out. Giving garden suites a whole new meaning! Nature teaches us in varied and wonderful ways, and it’s easy to wax lyrical this time of year. From Lines Written in Early Spring by William Wordsworth:

And through primrose tufts, in that green bower,

the periwinkle trailed its wreaths;

And ’tis my faith that every flower

Enjoys the air it breathes

Ramzan mubarak! Happy Naoroz! Happy Holi! Eid mubarak!

Shagorika Easwar