Image credit: IONUT COMANICI on Unsplash.
The International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies (IJCYFS) is a peer reviewed, open access, interdisciplinary, cross-national journal that is committed to scholarly excellence in the field of research about and services for children, youth, families and their communities. Since the COVID-19 broke out, there have been various disruptions to conventional ways of schooling. For example, students experienced school closures, limited in-person schooling, reduced extracurricular activities, limited peer interactions, and several students missing school all together.
In 2022, IJCYFS will publish a special issue with a compilation of unedited submissions from young people who wish to tell the world about their high school experiences during the pandemic.
The purpose is to create space for young people to share experiences with practitioners, scholars and peers, the journal welcomes articles, poetry, visual art, reflection pieces, diary entries, dialogues, and other forms of sharing from current and recently graduated high school students.
Were you a high school student during the COVID19 global pandemic? If so, you are invited to submit your experience to the International Journal of Child, Youth & Family Studies.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to the following topics:
• Challenges faced academically, socially, and emotionally
• Positive experiences during COVID19 restrictions
• Personal growth stories
• Experiences that changed your career goals
• Connections with self and others
• Use of technology
• Extra curriculum experiences including sports and the arts
If you are interested in contributing to the journal and desire support to fully develop your submission, you are welcome to connect with Shemine Gulamhusein at
A few important details:
• You are welcome to use your chosen name, a pseudonym of your choice, or request to be kept anonymous. Please indicate what name you’d like to be used in the publishing of your work.
• You must be 18 years of age or older.
• Submission should be a minimum of 1 page and maximum of 10 pages.
• Submissions will be published in 2022
• An honorarium will be provided to the 15 submissions selected for publication.
For any questions, you can reach out to Shemine Gulamhusein at Please indicate COVID-19 YOUTH VOICES SPECIAL ISSUE in the email subject.
When submitting your application, please indicate in your email that you are consenting for your submission to be published in the Youth Voices Special Issue of IJCYFS, 2022. Also include if you would like your name or a pseudonym to be used in the publication.
The journal looks forward to learning from you and sharing your experiences with the community.