The current school of 35 students allows for meaningful interaction between teachers and students.
Hope Academy is a Christian mission school (JK to Grade 9) registered with the Ontario government.
Public school is not your only choice. Hope Academy is a Christian mission school (JK -9) registered with the Ontario government. It provides a quality education for children of all backgrounds and religions. It inspires academic growth, self-discipline and personal transformation within a supportive environment in the Name of Jesus Christ.
In a culture where education and moral standards are steadily falling, Hope Academy offers a real alternative for your children. This school is a sound choice for you.
It is sound in direction. There is moral confusion in our culture and it is leading to chaos. The starting point of Hope Academy is that your child is created in the image of God. This is your child’s identity. Your child has meaning and purpose in God’s world. Your child will learn and grow to discover his or her role in God’s world and the teachers will cultivate a sense of the beauty and order in the right, in the good and in what is true. Your child will not be left confused, wondering who he is, from where he comes and where he is going.
It is sound in discipline. The Ten Commandments form the basis of the school’s discipline. This includes honouring those in authority, and not using God’s name disrespectfully. No dirty talk whatsoever is acceptable. Neither is lying, cheating, stealing, bullying or slandering the reputation of a fellow student. The high moral standards of Hope Academy are reflected in its disciplinary action toward students who infringe on these standards.
At the same time, the current school of 35 students allows for meaningful interaction between teachers and students as well as with their parents. This is a strong plus. This encourages parental involvement since these children, first of all, belong to them.
It is sound in a wholistic development of the child. Education is far more than feeding information to a child. It is also formation. We think of the three ‘H’s’ in the education of the child: the heart, the head and hands. In the children’s academic training and preparation for life, the formation of character is integral to the learning process. The transformation of the heart shapes the thinking and the doing.
If you are interested in sending your children to Hope Academy, supporting Hope Academy, or for any other inquiries, please contact the principal Chris VanDyken at 416-254-1617.
If you want to talk more, feel free to phone or text Reverend Tony Zekveld (“call me Pastor Tony”) at Hope Centre at 416-740-0543. His email is hopecentre@primus.ca and website: www.hopecentrebrampton.com.