Desi News — Celebrating our 28th well-read year!

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Image credit: JUDE BECK on Unsplash.

 Have you or your loved ones experienced mental health issues?

Are you or your parents originally from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal or Afghanistan?

Do you currently reside in Canada?

Anthology 2020 is seeking written submissions (from first person or caregiverperspectives) on South Asian mental health lived experiences.

The organisers say they are looking for stories with a diversity of perspectives and experiences to be included in the anthology. Confidentiality is assured – if you do not want your name published, they will honour your wishes.

Submission guidelines: Stories/poems should be original and should not have been previously published. Submissions should be between 1,400-1,800 words. Any editing by will be completed in consultation with you. Submit your story as a double-spaced Word document by email, with ‘Anthology 2020’ in the email subject line, to Rana Khan at 

Submission deadline: Sunday, December 14, 2020.

If you need your story to be translated or narrated, that could be arranged as well. The organisers say they will respond to all submissions to let you know if your story has been selected. If you have not heard back within two months after the close of submissions, or if you have any questions or concerns about the submissions, email Rana Khan at

Anthology 2020 has been made possible through a grant awarded by the Reva Gerstein Legacy Fund.